This is me!

This is me!
A picture just to show you who I am

First post

Hey! What´s up?

See, as I´m new in this, I mean creating my "website" I will start trying out every option I find in here, so this is my first blog. I will publish every stuff I do as I figure out how to do it.

I will try to give this blogspot a nice format so you people like it from the very beginning.

In this column you will find information about me: personal and professional info, hobbies and that kind of stuff, including a commitment letter link with a bucket list including personal and professional goals.

On the column in the left side I´m adding some videos, photos, and information related to the one I will write in this space.

Any comment or sugestion will be accepted.

Personal Info

Name: Joaquín Alejandro Cruz Gutiérrez
Nationality: Mexican
Age: 22
Birth date: January 22th 1987
Birth place: Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas

I´d rather people to call me Alex, I´m not very familiar to Joaquín but it doesn´t bother me, anyway Alex is better.

I consider myself a really nice person, I´m friendly, honest, respectful, responsible and what I find most interesting about me is that I´m always in a good mood and that helps me being funny and easygoing.

I will not describe me physically ´cause I already uploaded photos showing some moments of my life so that´s not neccesary right now. Keep reading what you find interesting ;)

Biggest Change in my life (Change Management)

Well as you can read at the beginning of this section I was born in Chiapas and I lived there until I was 17. After that me and my family moved to Puebla because of my father´s personal reasons. It was a very difficult change for me because I still was in high school, so it´s not the same to join a new school in a new city when you´re in university and you know that most of the people there would be new and a lot of them would be as you are from another part of the country.

So I was the only new one, everybody had already pick their friends, team mates and preferred activities during free time, I have to admit the first weeks were really sad and boring for me ´cause I was all alone, sometimes I felt like kind of loser, even on weekends I stayed at home playing videogames, watching TV and doing stuff I could enjoy by myself.

About 1 month later I started making solid relations with my classmates and then I could choose the ones who until now are still my friends.

What I learned from this is that many times you can´t plan a change in your life, changes just happen and what we have to do is to act positively, be persistent and fight against every difficulty so that sooner or later we can beat those changes or at least get addapted to them.

Yes I left family, friends and favourite activities and places behind, but I thought about my life in a short future and I figured out that the change I experienced must happen when I entered university. Now I just can say I´m really happy with everything that life has given to me and I will not change a thing of it.

Academic & Professional Data


University: ITESM Campus Puebla
ID: A00972739
Degree: Industrial Engineer
Semester: 9th
To graduate on: December 2009
Average grade: 92

Current subjects:
- Production Laboratory
- Integrated Manufacturing Systems
- Integrated Manufacturing Systems Laboratory
- Engineering Projects
- Organizational Behavior
- Leadership Skills
- Marketing (online)


3 months working at "Grupo Industrial La Italiana" on a project related with moving the spare parts stock from one software to a new one. My activities consisted mainly in giving a totally new structure to the original database, there were a lot of pieces which name was repeated using a different key code, there were also key codes who existed more than twice. So I organized all the pieces in big and small families so that workers could identify them easily, eliminating any chance to get confuse with pieces of the same name or keycode. I got involved with people from every department because I needed to get information about specific parts that not everyone knew. It was a good experience for being my first "job", I met new people and finally I learned how does it feel to earn your own money.

Industrial Engineers

Industrial Engineers
Generation Picture

Hobbies & Interests

Well, as everyone in this world does, there are certain activities that catch my attention for a long time and motivate me to keep doing them.

First of all, soccer, I love playing it, even when I consider myself a regular player, by that I´m mean I´m not a superstar but I can play at least good. I enjoy every match against any team, actually I have two teams, one in the internal tournament of the institution (Tec de Monterrey) and another one in Angelopolis Sporting Club, both of them are 7 players matches, but anyway it´s fun and competition motivates me even more to keep practicing it. I also enjoy watching it on TV and the only team I support in this world is Pumas (UNAM), I love this shirt and will do it until the day I die.

Movies are also part of my hobbies, I think people can pass a really good time watching them but that depends a lot on the kind of movie you´re watching ´cause not all of them are qualified enough to keep your attetion, that´s why I include a list of my favourite movies in the left side on the screen, just scroll down your cursor and you will easily find them. I can personally recommend that movies, they´re worth watching.

Next, videogames, I´ve been playing them since I was about 5 years old and I definitively got kind of married with them, I´ve been buying consoles from each generation and I can say that there are lots of games wich become really adictive to play. Once again, at the left side of the screen I added a list of my favourite videogames, I will also add my Xbox live gamertag for those interested on playing with me online.

Music can´t be out of my hobbies I really enjoy listening any kind of artist or band, the matter here is just how good the song is, so in my "Favourite bands and artists" list you will notice that there is an interesting variety from pop to heavy metal.

Finally I have to say that I also enjoy a lot hanging around with my friends, I like going to night clubs and that stuff, party all night and until morning, playing poker or videogames or maybe just be with them to have some talking, I find it really nice and funny.

My Soccer Teams

My Soccer Teams
Ritmo Infinito & Real Cohólicos


From now on you will find documents related to my future plans regarding personal and professional goals.

Leadership Skills Tests

One of the most important things of this blog is the relation it has with a school project, along my "Leadership Skills" course I solved some tests according to my personal profile, the most interesting results are shown next with a small conclusion for each part as well as a chart comparing the abilities a manager have and should have and a SWOT analysis based on me.

Communication: Good (23 out of 30 points)
Listening: Good (34 out of 50 points)
Observing: Excellent (100 out of 100 points)

I think after getting this results I have to keep going like that, being excellent is the best result but that doesn´t mean achieving good is... bad haha, but according to what I saw in the tests what I have to improve is my ability to make people understand my message and learn how to "read" people´s signs, mood and feelings.

Team Work: 77% Collaboration 23% Competence
Leadership Style: Low Activities - High Relations
Selfmotivation: 17% Power 45% Afiliation 38% Personal Development

I don´t have a problem with these tests, easy, I´m motivated by afiliation, so I prefer having a good relations with my team mates and not worrying about the activities we do. That´s why my teamwork is based in collaboration and not in competence.

Stress Level: Low
Personality: 70% Type A (vulnerable to tension) 30% Type B (tolerance to pressure)
Stress effects:
- 3 Low: Stomachache, Diarrhea, Gain or lose appetite
- 2 Moderate: Colitis, Irritability
- 3 Intense: Feel depressed or agresive, Distress, Forget things

Despite I have a low stress level, my personality is mainly vulnerable to tension, so that´s why I´m having those effects and what I must do in order to avoid that personality is to reduce the frequency of the aspects in it (active, impatient, agresive) there´s no other way.

Team mates Feedback
1 Best grade 5 Worst grade

- General Attitude: 1.57
- Attitude in Teamwork: 1.71
- Communication: 1.28
- Leading Skills: 1.57
- Strategic Skills: 1.28
- Negotiation Skills: 1.42
- Personality: 1.14
- Commitment: 2.14
- Continuous Improvement: 1.42

Honestly I don´t know why I got a 2.14 in commitment, I can assure everyone it is one of my strongest characteristics, but here´s the deal, many people from my team doesn´t like me as well as I don´t like some of them either, so during this feedback I experienced some kind of separation, we were more like enemies and allies, I´m not saying I must have gotten 1 in every point, but I think commitment is one of my best values and the difference between us bring strange results. Anyway, I didn´t get anything close to 3 and I´m happy for the rest of the aspects and most of all with the comments they made to me, because with them I can prove they´re happy with my work.

Group Feedback
For this feedback everyone from the group wrote a characteristic about me and the most voted were:

Friendly Smart Close Mind Shy

You can see that in my SWOT analysis I chose Friendly as one of my strengths and well, people who think that is right, I can´t say by myself I´m smart, but it´s a good sign when other people told you so and I feel really comfortable with that. Although I´m friendly I have to admit, yes I´m shy, it is really difficult for me to talk with someone for the first time, mostly with women and that´s why sometimes I´m really quiet and people think I´m close minded, well that´s not true at all and people who know me can be my best withnesses.

On the last column of the chart ("they should have") you´ll see the percentages I consider best for a manager to have, the whole column was blank and I wrote that values according to my personal opinion on that theme. About my SWOT analysis, I think my strengths and weaknesses are very clear, my oportunities are activities that may do something against my weaknesses, if I manage my time correctly I would have more time to sleep well in the night and be less sleepyhead during the day. Practicing some sport would help me to be more active and less lazy (fortunately this is something I could do during this semester). My threats, school schedule makes it really difficult to manage my time and my personal interests change frequently so I can get bored of any activity easily.

Curriculum Vitae

Here´s my curriculum vitae, I created it in the Exatec website so the structure was automatically done, I´m adding it so that I can share with everyone my professional interests and experience and maybe (why not) to get a chance of being hired by someone who visit this blog and get attracted by this information. If the text size is not good enough for you can zoom in with the tools provided.

Commitment Letter & Bucket List

Hey! As I said before, I´m publishing now my commitment letter. Here you will read about my future plans about the kind of leader I want to be, how am I going to do it and how I want to be remembered. Inside the text you will also find my bucket list including 10 personal and 10 professional goals. I personally consider it is very interesting, enjoy... If the text size is not good enough for you can zoom in with the tools provided.

Personal Balanced Scorecard

My balanced scorecard is divided in two main goals with two alternatives each. It has to do with my future plans, their estimated due date, people involed, success indicators and more. I recommend everyone who want to see it to watch it on FULL SCREEN, otherwise it will not be visible, I couldn´t manage to publish it as an image because of the size of it, sorry about that... anyway there you go. You can autoplay from the menu button or slide it manually putting your cursor on the sides of the screen and clicking.
View more documents from Alejandro.

My Added Values / My values / Non negotiables

My Added Values / My values / Non negotiables

Personal Interview

Same as my Balanced Scorecard, please go FULL SCREEN to watch it crearly and don´t miss a detail. You can autoplay from the menu button or slide it manually putting your cursor on the sides of the screen and clicking.

Video Presentation

Professional Profile
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